Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Mission Statement

My blog was meant to be a place where folks can drop in to check on the activities of their State Rep, and as a sort of virtual record of my own service to the people of the 71st district in association with Representative Boland.

Some folks have misunderstood the title and by-line to a small extent. The tagline "The on-going story of a public servant working to make a difference in people's lives . . ." actually was meant as a reference to me, rather than to Boland. I don't mind if folks think it was a reference to Mike, but the final intent for the blog is a little more personal for me than perhaps people have understood. In fact the title, "Serving the 71st with Mike Boland" was also meant to refer to me.

Yes, I did start this blog at an opportune time for Mike’s campaign, it happened that way because I’ve only become really interested in blogging myself in the last year. I never took on creating a campaign website for Mike Boland because I didn’t feel I had the time or energy to maintain it in my spare time. The blog medium seems to be more personal that a sterile web page simply advertising a candidate, hence it's appeal to me personally.

For sure I’m going to be writing about Mike Boland as a legislator, but I also am including information about the staff, interns and volunteers that serves the people of the 71st district, and where appropriate, about the people of the 71st district themselves. Working for a legislator has allowed me to help people in ways I never could have imagined, and this blog is meant to record of some of those accomplishments. I’ve met a number of interesting and wonderful folks through the years I’ve been working with Mike Boland, and over time I hope to make my blog about them too!

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